Presented by:



from Linux Academy/ Jupiter Broadcasting

Passionate technical evangelist and Community Architect at Linux Academy, co-lead of OpenStack Mentoring, recovering Linux Administrator, but in the end, just a simple girl happily lost in the world of technology.

The technology industry has been rapidly growing for some time and as the industry grew there has become a shift in our mindset as we could no longer fill all the roles that were needed. With this came a push to diversify, to bring in new blood and new ideas and in the process of doing so, we began to develop a community.

Recently the topic of conversation has turned to Imposter syndrome, a feeling of inadequacy that persists despite proof of the contrary, and the solution is being placed on the shoulders of the individual alone. However, we are not addressing the whole issue, or even acknowledging that these feelings may be caused by a toxic part of our culture that leads us to break down those we claim to want to build up.

45 min
LinuxFest Northwest 2019
Jupiter Broadcasting