Presented by:

Software Developer, working with micro-startups & small teams to build niche software, typically database-backed desktop-style enterprise-oriented web apps running server-side in pure Java on the Vaadin framework.

Previously worked in long-term client engagements building in-house custom-crafted departmental database apps for cost accounting, business operations, and workflow.

Also spent a couple years as a trainer teaching software development (database, business logic, and user-interface) to developers both novice and expert in week-long seminars.

Hobbies include extreme dog-walking and welding bird-cages. And spending way too much time on Stack Overflow.

Learn how to correctly organize your data in a relational database such as Postgres. The rules to guide you in your organizing are formally known as Normalization.

See how the goal of the Relational model is to avoid redundant data by grouping data into separate but related tables such as Customer-Invoice-LineItem, Books-Authors, Project-Team-Worker, or League-Team-Player. 

We cover the key points of database normalization, but without the jargon, keeping it simple with practical examples. We will talk about parent-child relationships between entities, and about One-To-Many & Many-To-Many relationships. 

Best to have some idea of the basics of tables-columns-rows in a database like PostgreSQL, H2, MySQL, or Microsoft Access, but no expertise necessary (newbies welcome).

Download slides (PDF).

45 min
LinuxFest Northwest 2019
Postgres Track